Neil was as positive as he could be during our afternoon together.
Neil is the doctor who I met at a TIA clinic on Thursday.
"I am certain it wasn't a stroke" sounded positive although I was hoping to hear what it was rather than what it wasn't.
Things were still going well when he came to "I think we have an explanation of your crash". Well if not well then neutral.
My day went rapidly downhill when his next words were "there are 2 tumours in your brain. The swelling around them causes electrical activity which in turn causes a seizure". The actual wording of the last sentence may not be accurate. Somehow the word tumour comes with a very powerful force field which makes it difficult to hear the words around it. Brain seemed to force its way through. Perhaps not the best word to put there, but is there a good word?
Small may have been in there but perhaps that is just my natural shiny optimism glowing through.
Short entry today. I have realised that this can't be about me alone. There is family. And such a family. I am a lucky sod, although thirst may have reduced my jam quotient just a bit.
I had 2 loving parents who worked their guts out to pass on a farming business to their 4 sons. 3 of those sons are my younger brothers. Not best friends but we talk and will help where they can.
There is a wife, who I met on Boxing Day 1986 and we have been together ever since. I have spent too little time trying to make her happy.
She came with 2 small children; a girl and a boy. They taught me to be a parent, I wasn't much of a stepfather but fortunately the bar is set pretty low. Think of Cinderella or Snow White. I was better than them.
Then there is our son. A wonderful young man. I won't say more about them yet. This will be their story too so they need to agree to be in it.
If these people were your family you would share my love and pride. This is a party I really don't want to leave.
Hi Eggman, good luck with the docs i have everything crossed that there will be some better news - thinking of you lots - thinking the blog is a great idea! Siobhan xx