It would be wrong to think that the house is a continuous festival of laughter with me performing funny walks in my ever so elegant pants. This is scary, perhaps unreal would be a better word. Next Wednesday's scan is what we are all looking forward to. We, or at least I, are trying to balance hope and realism.
There are some strange reversals.
My weight peaked at just over 14 stone a couple of years ago. I went back to van driving and started to limit my chocolate intake and it gradually came down to 13 stone. Reducing beer intake was obviously an option but not one I have ever found it necessary to think seriously about.
This summer Clare started running and I went with her (did I mention what an extraordinary woman is Clare?) I found I really enjoyed the experience and my weight was edging to a reasonable target of 12 and a half stone by the beginning of August when my Achilles made the unilateral decision to lodge a protest and to insist that I took an extra 40 minutes in bed on running days.
This week my weight went down to 12 stone 4. The unwelcome little bastard passengers are clearly hungry sods. The house has never been so full of food. We have cheese from Mellis in St Andrews, biscuits from M and S. I can buy chocolate at will. And obviously beer restriction has seldom been further from the agenda.
There have been few days in the last 40 odd years when I haven't driven. Sadly it is the unanimous wish of the NHS, police Scotland and the Peddie family that I cease and desist from my piloting duties. There is a huge irony that, even with my precarious health status I am in less danger than I was every time I got behind the wheel of a car on a Friday or Saturday night in the second half of the 1970s.
What has been really nice over the last couple of weeks is talking to so many old and not so old friends. Once the bad news is out of the way there has been ample opportunity to chat and to remind ourselves of why we are friends.
Feeling fine. I tire quite quickly but am still working and finding a lot of fun in my daily grind.
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